Red Skelton’s letter on his induction to the International Clown Hall of Fame
Red Skelton was inducted into the International Clown Hall of Fame in 1990. Here is his letter in response to them:
April 4, 1990
Dear Inductees,
Congratulations on your entry to the Clown Hall of Fame. It is good to know that at last the gentlemen of laughter are receiving some recognition for making a sorrowful old world laugh. Up until now our only reward has been the laughter we hear while performing. We are the soldiers of humanity and when moneys have to be raised the clown, the comedian, the performers are the first ones to call upon. They give away their talent and seldom after the echoes of laughter fade away are they reimbursed or thanked. But now with great dignity the clown will live on and become an inspiration for the younger generations to follow suit.
Congratulations to you all and especially to my ‘old school chum Joseph Grimaldi and I forgive him for using a lot of my material.’
Red Skelton

(updated July 27, 2021)