A sweet story from the Midland Reporter-Telegram, where a retired doctor talks of meeting Red Skelton when Red was 77, and performing at Harrah’s:
“When Gosney asked Red about the braces he was wearing, the comedian said they were from too many pratfalls. Gosney was elated after the visit and couldn’t wait to tell his wife and friends about getting to visit with Red Skelton. Of course they didn’t believe him when he told them about his visit with the comedian. But Gosney had the last laugh.
“We went to the show that night, and at the end of his performance he asked if anyone in the auditorium had any requests for one of his pantomimes. He said, ‘before we get started with that, I’d like to recognize someone in the audience. Can you get the spotlight on this man? His name is Dr. Gary Gosney and we had a nice visit this afternoon. He’s a veterinarian from Temple, Texas and I learned more about my pet than I thought I’d ever know. He told me his favorite act of mine was the old man at the parade, so this is for you, Gary,’ and he did the skit.”
Thanks for sharing this sweet story.
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