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Pasquale’s Hotel

Pasquale (Red Skelton) answering the phone in "Pasqual's Hotel"

In Pasquale’s Hotel – The Red Skelton Show season 1, with Dr. Clem Kadiddlehopper, Willy Lump-Lump, and Tide the wash day miracle! (Pasquale’s Hotel is a funny Tide commercial – ask Izzy and Wuzzy).

Pasquale’s Hotel – The Red Skelton Show season 1, originally aired March 2, 1952

Dr. Clem Kadiddlehopper

Dr. Clem Kadiddlehopper giving a lecture on anatomy
Dr. Clem Kadiddlehopper giving a lecture on anatomy

Clem Kadiddlehopper is trying to sell a book on brain surgery – at home — and so he’s giving a “lecture” on human anatomy. Mostly how the different parts are in the wrong place. My favorite part is where the mouth should be on the top of the head, since politicians speak through their hats anyway!

Rivero Quintet

Rivero Quintet performing during "Pasquale's Hotel"
Rivero Quintet performing during “Pasquale’s Hotel

Skelton Film Scrapbook – “Pasquale’s Hotel”

Red, with thick Italian accent, is hotel owner Pasquale checking in two customers to their rooms. This skit evolves into a Tide commercial.

There’s a very funny bit, where he’s talking with Michael Ross about his two works, Izzy and Wuzzy. Last week, Izzy was sick. Was he? No, Wuzzy was fine! But this week, Izzy was sick! Is he? Ending with Red saying, “I’ll be Abbott and you be Costello.”

Skelton Scrapbook – “On the House”

Red plays three inebriated men who try, one at a time, to chisel a free drink from bartender Rod O’Connor (who appeared on Red’s radio program).

Cast of characters