Willie Comes Home, The Red Skelton Show season 2, originally aired September 28, 1952
Red Skelton stars as Willie Lump-Lump and Cauliflower McPugg, with Benny Rubin. Willie comes home from vacation, and things are … overgrown
Monologue and pantomime
- On vacation, Little Richard asks: “Hey, what is them long fuzzy things that’s got thousands of legs on ’em, and they got big fans sticking out like that?” I says, “I don’t know.” He says, “Neither do I, but there’s one crawling up your back right now.”
- Little Richard (supposedly) tells a tall tale from vacation to a friend, now that he’s back home, about a grizzly bear.
- Red Skelton and David Rose tell a joke about a Texan wanting a drink:
- Red (as Deadeye) [to the bartender] Say, pardner, I’ll have a martini, make it very dry.
- David Rose: All right.
- Deadeye: Make it with three quarts of gin and one quart of vermouth. On second thought, make it real dry. Make that three quarts of gin and a half a quart of vermouth.
- David Rose: Well, can I put a twist of lemon peel in?
- Deadeye: Look, pardner, if I wanted lemonade, I’d have ordered it.
- Then, Red demonstrates how different people watch TV.
- Red Skelton imitates the behavior of different people at the beach.
Skelton Film Scrapbook

McPug at Bat features punch-drunk boxer Cauliflower McPug trying his hand as a baseball player. But the umpire Benny Rubin keeps flubbing his lines, cracking up the entire cast! Eventually, they manage to turn it into a Tide commercial.

Willie Comes Home displays Willie Lump-Lump and his wife returning home from a trip. Clearly, a long trip, since their yard’s overgrown like a jungle. As is the house! And he forget to cancel the milk delivery. [For the younger people: yes, once upon a time, milkmen actually delivered milk to your house]
Cast of characters
- David Rose
- Lucy Knoch … Baseball Fan
- Shirley Mitchell … Baseball Fan, Willie’s wife
- Gil Perkins … Catcher
- Benny Rubin … Baseball Umpire