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The Red Skelton Show season 2 episode guide

Freddie the Freeloader at the racetrack

Buy from The Red Skelton Show season 2 continues, with Red introducing Freddie the Freeloader and Bolivar Shagnasty.

The Red Skelton Show season 2 episode guide

Air DateEpisode NameNotes
September 28, 1952Willie Comes HomeWillie Lump-Lump, Cauliflower McPugg, with Benny Rubin – Willie comes home from vacation, and things are … overgrownWillie Comes Home - The Red Skelton Show season 2
October 5, 1952Willie Paints a RoomWillie Lump-Lump paints a room over his wife’s objectionsWillie Paints a Room titlea
October 12, 1952Stagecoach RobberyDeadeye holds up the stagecoach – will the lady sheriff stop him?Lucille Knoch and Deadeye in Stagecoach Robbery
October 19, 1952Calling Dr. PrankensteinRed as Dr. Prankenstein, with Benny Rubin as Dracula?Calling Dr. Prankenstein - The Red Skelton Show season 2
October 26, 1952Lt. MusclesClem Kadiddlehopper keeps getting mistaken for Lieutenant Muscles by an ex-GI — with a grudge!Clem Kadiddlehopper mistaken for Lieutenant Muscles
November 2, 1952Whistle StopSan Fernando Red, John Q. AmericanBenny Rubin and San Fernando Red in Whistle Stop
November 9, 1952Clem Kaddidhopper’s GraduationClem Kadiddlehopper, instead of graduating 3rd grade … gets demoted to 2nd! With Cauliflower McPugg & Willy Lump Lump as wellClem Kadiddlehopper's Graduation - Clem in a dunce cap
November 16, 1952Help WantedCooky, with Billy BartyRed Skelton in the Help Wanted sketch
November 23, 1952Weepy Talks TurkeyThanksgiving episode, with J. Weepy Numbskull, Clem KadiddlehopperWeepy Talks Turkey
November 30, 1952One Man’s Mortgage
December 7, 1952Fancy Footworkwith Charles BronsonCharles Bronson and Cauliflower McPugg in Fancy Footwork
December 14, 1952The SultanFirst appearance of Freddie the FreeloaderRed's first appearance as Freddie the Freeloader in the sketch, "Bum's Rush" - on "The Sultan" episode of The Red Skelton Show
December 21, 1952ChristmasChristmas special, with Freddie the Freeloader, Clem KadiddlehopperFreddie the Freeloader trying to con Santa Claus in "Christmas"
March 22, 1953Ambulance DriverWillie Lump LumpWilly Lump Lump as The Ambulance Driver
March 29, 1953Quiz Show WinnerWillie Lump Lump, Sheriff DeadeyeThe Quiz Show Winner, Willy Lump Lump
April 5, 1953The Eyes Have It
Cauliflower McPugg gets his eyes examined by a near-sighted optometrist. Freddie the Freeloader.
Cauliflower McPugg gets his eyes examined by a near-sighted optometrist in The Eyes Have It
April 12, 1953Sure as Shootin’Sheriff Deadeye demonstrates “fancy shootin'” – and San Fernando Red.Sure as Shootin' - Sheriff Deadeye demonstrates "fancy shootin'"
April 19, 1953Baby’s First BirthdayRed Skelton as a baby experiencing his first birthday.Baby's First Birthdaay - Red Skelton as a baby experiencing his first birthday
April 26, 19533-D
Red Skelton introduces another new character, Bolivar Shagnasty.
Bolivar Shagnasty takes his date to a 3-D movie
May 3, 1953RacetrackWillie Lump-Lump, Freddie the FreeloaderFreddie the Freeloader at the racetrack
May 10, 1953Washing the ElephantWillie Lump Lump, Clem KadiddlehopperWilly Lump Lump washing the elephant
May 17, 1953MaroonedMarooned, with Lucille Knoch and Red Skelton - a Tide commercial
May 31, 1953Freddie Becomes a Star-GazerFreddie the Freeloader, Willie Lump-LumpFreddie the Freeloader and his telescope in Freddie Becomes a Star-Gazer
June 21, 1953Deadeye from MarsDeadeyeDeadeye from Mars