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The Skelton at Home - The Red Skelton Show Christmas special, 1941

The Skeltons at Home [Red Skelton Show]

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The Skeltons at Home, The Red Skelton Show season 1, originally aired December 23, 1951

The Skeltons at Home is a classic episode of The Red Skelton Show. Various of Red Skelton’s most famous characters (including Clem Kadiddlehopper, Cauliflower McPugg, the inebriated Willie Lump-Lump, and the cowboy Deadeye) visit the Skelton family on Christmas Eve. They all interact with the Skelton’s “maid”, Shirley Mitchell. “Nice to meet you, Tiny Tim.” It ends with a boy’s choir singing Christmas carols and Red Skelton giving his Christmas wishes.

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Here Comes the Bribe - The Red Skelton Show, season 15, originally aired October 26, 1965

Here Comes the Bribe [Red Skelton Show]

Here Comes the BribeThe Red Skelton Show, season 15, originally aired October 26, 1965 – with Johnny Mathis

Here Comes the Bribe is an episode of The Red Skelton Show, featuring Sheriff Deadeye running for re-election … Unless guest star Johnny Mathis can stop him! It was originally aired shortly before Halloween, so the silent spot is an appropriate parody of Hansel and Gretel, as well as some Halloween jokes in Red’s opening monologue.

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DVD review - Red Skelton - King of Laughter - Celebrate Red's reign from Vaudeville to Movies and TV

Red Skelton King of Laughter

DVD Review of Red Skelton King of Laughter

Buy from Red Skelton, King of Laughter, is a compilation of episodes of  Red Skelton’s  long-running TV series, as well as bits and pieces from other sources. For example, it includes a clip of  Red’s vaudeville routine, Guzzler’s Gin, as well as a trailer for his movie Public Pigeon Number 1. It also includes various bloopers, and a rehearsal with Martha Raye that includes some things that never made it on the air.

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