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Jokes by Red Skelton on a variety of subjects.  He was known as “America’s Clown Prince” for a reason, and was fond of funny stories as well as outright puns!  Enjoy!

Southern hospitality jokes from Red Skelton – From Red Skelton’s movie, Whistling in Dixie, jokes about Southern hospitality and life in the American South

Southern hospitality jokes from Red Skelton

Southern hospitality jokes from Red Skelton –  From Red Skelton’s movie, Whistling in Dixie, jokes about Southern hospitality and life in the American South

Carol Lambert (Ann Rutherford):   I don €™t think it €™s safe down here.   Someone was trying to kill us!
Ellamae Downs (Diana Lewis): It €™s things like this that ruin our Southern hospitality.Read More »Southern hospitality jokes from Red Skelton

How's that electric blanket working out for you -  A series of 'it was so cold' jokes by America's clown prince, Red Skelton, taken from his old radio show.

How’s that electric blanket working out for you

How’s that electric blanket working out for you –  A series of ‘it was so cold’ jokes by America’s clown prince, Red Skelton, taken from his old radio show.

Rod O €™Connor: Tell me, Red, how’s that new electric blanket working out for you on these cold nights?

Red Skelton: Oh, its fine, it keeps me as warm as toast.   Of course, when its time to wake up, it just pops me out of bed!   Read More »How’s that electric blanket working out for you